
1 min read

So we're 9 weeks into the WDI program at GA and I can't quite believe how quickly its gone. We've covered a lot in this time and today I'm happy to publish my latest project, dinnerdates. Below is a small clip I made to introduce the app.

The app is built using Ruby on Rails and MongoDB, peppered with a little javascript and SCSS throughout. My main goal for this project was to tackle TDD and get to grips with RSpec. So with that in mind I decide to build something pretty simple so that I could spend time improving my knowledge in that area.

DinnerDat.es Testing

The app relies on the Google Places API to provide data on restaurant locations that are then rendered on a MapBox map using lat/lon positions. This is complemented by the Yummly API for the recipe search.

DinnerDat.es on an iPad

The site was built mobile first and optimised for small screens. However as this was just a prototype I've not conducted extensive device tests to date, so for now it's best to check it out on only the most modern browsers.

Overall I've really enjoyed putting this project together and am definitely going to revisit it sometime to make some further improvements. But for now I am really happy to have achieved so much in just 6 days. Check it out at www.dinnerdat.es and let me know your thoughts on twitter.

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