Summer in the city

1 min read

So after finishing the WDI course with General Assembly and hanging out in White Bear Yard for such a long time, I was thrilled to be offered a software developer position at Mixlr.

Mixlr Logo

Mixlr is a Social Live Audio startup in London offering users the ability to broadcast in seconds from an iPhone or via a desktop app. Although my official job title is ‘Software Engineer’ the role is largely focussed around the front-end of the site, which is built using Backbone on top of a Rails application.

For my first project I was asked to implement the newly designed Embeddable player which touched just about every aspect of the app in some way, a great place to get started! It was brilliant to be working on this great new feature and it was even better to find out that not long after the launch we had a pretty big event - What happens when the President (Barack Obama) uses your startup for a conference call?.

Mixlr Embeddable Player when Organizing for Action went live

So my summer in the city was a good one, and working on such a popular and fun app has been an absolute pleasure! As my role develops I’m going to try and blog more about what I’m up to.

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