Getting close now
2 min read
This has been a really tough week mentally. The day after finishing the Marshman I realised just how much I had stuffed up my program by pushing too hard during that race. The fatigue after completing a race at that intensity doesn't just disappear with a goods nights sleep and once I hit the pool again on Tuesday it was like going back 2 years in terms of pace. This continued with my attempted run that evening and for most of the week I feel like I have been training below my recent threshold pace.
By Friday I did start to get back into the swing of things and I think missing a swim session allowed me to recompose myself. I decided to go for a full distance bike ride down to Brighton and back, just under 180km. I had ridden this route last year and managed a time of around 6 and half hours. I was pleased that this time round I rode the same route in 6 hours flat so a a definite improvement, but I didn't exactly feel fresh at the end! I am aiming to try and cover this distance each weekend now until I start my taper as I need to have that confidence before I start at France.
I also fitted in a 30km run at the weekend which is the longest this year, didn't feel too bad, but I have definatley lost what little pace I had acquired in the previous years as the entire time felt like a shuffle more than a run.
So a bit of a routine week really, I ate way too much chocolate and crap food in celebration of finishing Marshman and then again for completing the big bike ride and run. I'm going to try and be a bit more dedicated this week as I would like to try and drop a kilo or more before the big day. Only 40 days to go now !!